Cirkuscentrum – an advocay organization for circus, variety and street performances
Cirkuscentrum is a national advocacy organization for circus, variety, and street performance. The members of Cirkuscentrum include artists, companies, producers, creators, and students from the industry’s largest players to smaller companies and individual artists from various parts of the country. Cirkuscentrum gathers and represents circus, variety, and street performance, and improves professionals’ conditions at various levels.
Information about the Daily training!
Contact: info[at]
Postal address:
c/o Danscentrum Sverige
Hornsgatan 103
117 28 Stockholm
What we do
Cirkuscentrum’s purpose is to promote its members to programmers and to inform politicians, the general public, and programmers about the art form through expert involvement at various platforms. Additionally, the organization supports artistic development, provides daily training and capacity building, and aims to improve both the infrastructure and the working conditions for professional circus artists.
As a non-profit, member-based center association our primary focus is on advancing the interests of our members and the art form they represent. While our efforts are centered on supporting our members, we also actively contribute to the broader development of contemporary circus. We engage in collaborative projects, advocacy work, and outreach activities that aim to elevate the entire contemporary circus sector. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the flourishing of contemporary circus as a vital and vibrant cultural expression, benefiting both our members and the broader artistic community.
We foster connections and networks, both domestically and abroad, to nurture the expansion and evolution of contemporary circus. Through these efforts, we contribute to the progression of contemporary circus in Sweden. Cirkuscentrum is a member of Circostrada (europeisk plattform för cirkus och street art), Fedec (international network for circus education) and Baltic Nordic Circus Network (BNCN).
2020 Cirkuscentrum verksamhetsberättelse (pdf)
2019 Cirkuscentrum verksamhetsberättelse (pdf)
2018 Cirkuscentrum verksamhetsberättelse (pdf)
2017 Cirkuscentrum verksamhetsberättelse (pdf)
2016 Cirkuscentrum verksamhetsberättelse (pdf)
2015 Cirkuscentrum verksamhetsberättelse (pdf)
2014 Cirkuscentrum verksamhetsberättelse (pdf)